
Ministry is for every stage of life.

Are you over 55 years old and want to be more involved in ministry? You are in the right place!

1 Peter 5:1-4

1 The elders which are among you I exhort, who am also an elder, and a witness of the sufferings of Christ, and also a partaker of the glory that shall be revealed:

2 Feed the flock of God which is among you, taking the oversight thereof, not by constraint, but willingly; not for filthy lucre, but of a ready mind;

3 Neither as being lords over God's heritage, but being ensamples to the flock.

4 And when the chief Shepherd shall appear, ye shall receive a crown of glory that fadeth not away.

Our elders are a vital part of our churches.

SAGES Ministry exists to provide resources and ministry outlets to those who are over the age of 55. We aim to provide programs and tools to assist with local church involvement, edifying the church and evangelizing the lost. SAGES connects members of this demographic and their pastors with opportunities to assist and serve our churches across the UPCI.

Additionally, SAGES Ministry will develop and implement relevant educational programs for church and district leaders to involve Sages in the Kingdom, using their God-given talents for Him.


Meet the SAGES Leaders

Carlton & Norma Coon

Carlton L. Coon Sr. and his wife, Norma, serve as the leaders of the SAGES Ministry of the United Pentecostal Church (UPCI), with national offices in St. Louis, MO. They provide leadership and resources to individuals plus the churches and ministers of the UPCI regarding the service of and too those who are 55+.

Carlton and Norma live in Springfield, MO. Their most recent pastorate is Calvary Pentecostal Church - Springfield. Carlton served for eleven years as General Director of North American Missions for the UPCI, with responsibility for encouraging planting additional churches. Contributions to the purpose of North American Missions reached unprecedented heights during those years, with the growth continuing.

Norma, served on the staff of North American Missions (NAM). Prior to this, she served as Secretary for Ladies Ministry for the Missouri District of the UPCI. Music Ministry was her role in the church. She has influenced hundreds of women for the Lord Jesus Christ.

The Coons pastored Truth Tabernacle in Springfield, MO prior to becoming part of the NAM team. They also pastored a baby church in Vidalia, Louisiana. The three pastorates grew exponentially and built or moved into new facilities. Other ministry experience includes eight years as an itinerant evangelist, a youth pastor, ten-years on the Board of Gateway College of Evangelism (now Urshan College), and four years on the Missouri District Board. He has been credentialed with the UPCI since 1977.

In addition to ministry, the Coons have served as President of the Vidalia, Louisiana Chamber of Commerce, and on the Committee for Government Relations with the Association of Independent Colleges and Schools. Bi-vocational work has included Regional Director for a Proprietary School Chain and more recently selling used books on Amazon.

Carlton has authored thirty-nine books, with thirty-seven of the books still in print and partnered with his church-planting son Lane to develop the online training course Mastering Disciple-making. Information can be gained at CarltonCoon.com, and all books or at Amazon.

Norma has been married to Carlton, since 1977. They have two adult children. Lane and his wife Shelley have planted a church in North Atlanta. Their younger son, Chris works in the oil-patch of Proudhoe Bay, Alaska. The Coons are also thankful for Kaden, Wyatt, and Elsie Adara, the 3 irresistible and extremely brilliant “holy children” (Carlton’s term for grandkids) they have been given.

Besides endeavoring to follow the Lord Jesus and to obey the ever-engaging and exciting call of God upon their life, Carlton loves to read, play golf, bicycle, and cheer on a sports team or two. Norma enjoys reading, cooking, sewing, music, and traveling with Carlton. They both rate their travel experiences, at least in part, by the local food and coffee they experience.