
This blog is written by Mark Morris.

There is an old country music song that is titled ”Choices”. A catchy line in one verse states, “I’ve had choices from the day that I was born”. Later in this song he concludes with, “ now I’m living and dying with the choices I’ve made”.

Mark Morris, Author

There are many things in life we have no choice in. Our ethnic background and who our parents and our siblings are.The country we were born in and many other things in life.

I did choose where I live as an adult. One of the great privileges of being in American is if I don’t like where I live, I can always pack up and move.

I had a choice in who I would marry. I asked her and she said yes. She and I made that choice nearly 50 years ago.

We chose to have children, but when a tragedy struck our family that was not our choice. The way we responded to this situation was a conscious choice we made. Having the choice to make as far as whether we would raise our grandchildren when they were orphaned was a choice that we had to make.

It really was no choice because there was no desire on our part to see them in DFS (department of family services).

It was an easy choice, even though it has not always been easy. We wanted them to be raised and nurtured in a loving, godly environment. If we were to see that happen, then we had to choose to become a “grand family.”

Our choices have seen us go through a lot of different emotions, but as this song said “we are living and dying by the choices we made”.

The grandchildren are raised. We are a lot more weary, but we know be on any doubt we made the right choice.

We are almost an empty nest again. We are still making choices, such as how do we want to spend our remaining time on earth. Do we choose for ourselves and our own pleasure? Or will we choose to keep our hands on the plow and do for the kingdom while we can?

Choices. Some come without hesitation, regardless of cost or energy that may be required. Others are not so easy. The blessing of having Jesus on our side and in our lives is he will help give us the wisdom to make the right choice.

A friend of mine told me that there is no fool like an old fool. I am trying not to be an old fool, but I am trying to make choices at this stage in my life.

Choices from the day, we were born until the day he calls us home.

I pray that you and I will use our time as Sage to make the right choices


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