"Empowering Grandparents: Navigating the School Years with Confidence and Community Support"

The following blog is by Mark Morris. #grandparents

For a few more weeks, we will continue to look at some pointers that will help us be more successful as we endeavor to raise our grandchildren. We want to give them the things they need to become productive citizens, and hopefully to break every cycle of dysfunction they may have experienced in their young lives.

We are back in the thick of school. Well into the fall, and some of you are experiencing new things you thought were long past. I hope you are adjusting well to the routine of being parents of school-age children again. Isn’t it amazing how much education has changed from when we were children and even from where our children were in school?

Today I would like to give you pointers number four.(if you are just now joining this journey, refer back to the last three weeks to get caught up.)

#4 Utilize community resources.

Many times grandparents who care for their grandchildren find themselves overwhelmed because they are ill prepared for all of the new responsibilities. It is normal to feel uncertain or to even be scared at times about this transition.

Remember there are countless community connections that are available to help you on this journey. There are parenting training classes, and specialists to help answer your questions. Don’t be afraid to ask questions. People who have been through this want to help.

There is no need to do without food or other basic needs. Ministries are open in your community and eager to be of assistance. Be creative and proactive and look for the things that you may need.

If your grandchildren are having academic problems, go to the teacher and ask for special tutoring. This is normally offered at no cost to you as a parent and will be a great help to the student.

This is an opportunity for the local church to become a blessing. As a church, we should reach out to those in the community, but also be there to be a blessing to those who are among us.

I realize how challenging these times can be, and as we said earlier, they may be overwhelming or scary, but remember that God has placed you in this situation because he has confidence in you. So don’t be afraid to connect with resources that can only make you more successful.

God bless till next time


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