His Ways For the Surviving Spouse

This blog is written by Norma Clanton

The road called life never follows a straight line. There are hills and valleys, curves and turns, wide and narrow places. Littered with stop signs, caution lights, speed traps, lane changes and yes, those detested tolls, life speeds forward!

Along the way, we face many transitions that can run the gamut from thrilling to unnerving. For those who find themselves now navigating life’s journey alone, maneuvering this road is especially intimidating. This painful path feels deserted, desolate and dreadful! For us, road conditions have changed drastically. The landscape has become hazardous. We seem to have lost our way, sometimes struggling to find familiar landmarks.

But while the pain of loss invades and disrupts the momentum we once treasured, we must remember that God knows the way. The good news is that HE is the Master Re-router! HE makes a way when there seems to be no way! And HE travels with us, never leaving us alone! His map is our guide as we continue toward the destination HE has prepared for us.

Exodus 13:21: “By day the LORD went ahead of them in a pillar of cloud to guide them on their way and by night in a pillar of fire to give them light,so that they could travel by day or night.” Reminders of God’s past provision adorn the highway, giving us courage to continue the trip! Warning signs may flash, “Rough road ahead!” But we’ve already traveled many rough roads with Him! “Slippery when wet!” He has skillfully steered us through raging waters that did not overflow us! “Dangerous rock slide ahead!” He has cleared a path!

Through construction zones, traffic jams and U-turns, His love for us has never failed. We know He knows the “highway” we take and is the best travelling-companion ever! Though we may not comprehend “why we are where we are” God knows. Could it be that His “recalculated” route for you is to encourage others to find the right way?

Events transpiring recently on the Patapsco River, collapsing the highly-trafficked Frances Scott Key Bridge in Baltimore, have abruptly reminded us of the importance of strong pillars built to withstand time and tarnish.

Each pillar serves as a vital brace, critically linked with other pillars to safeguard passage over deep waters. Constant and careful attention is given to maintenance and repair.

In this challenging season, when every segment of our being has been impacted by loss, God is working to restore our faith and redirect our purpose! May we allow Him to link us together as strong pylons, deeply embedded in truth. May we hold fast when adversity strikes.

May our steadfast faith confirm to others that He travels with us wherever the road leads. (Think of the WAZE navigation app. We are the friendly, smiley-faced vehicles traveling the same route as others - just a bit further down the road.)

At the intersection of two well-known scriptures – Paul’s exhortation to Timothy, “Be instant in season and out of season,” and the wise words of Solomon, “Whatsoever your hands find to do, do it with your might,” may we find clear direction for the road ahead!

Safe travels! Keep smiling! Your destination is just ahead. Soon we will hear Him say,



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