John the Sage

This blog is written by Dr. Gary D. Erickson

John the Beloved was a leader among the Twelve Apostles. He authored five New Testament books and was a “Sage!” John was the only Apostles to escape martyrdom, live into old age, and die of natural causes. Although he lived a long life. his faith and loyalty to Jesus did not shield him from persecution. He was boiled in oil and somehow escaped with his life. He was arrested and imprisoned on the Isle of Patmos, but eventually escaped back to Ephesus where he spent his remaining years. John never allowed his suffering to impede his discipleship and ministry. While imprisoned on Patmos, he wrote The Revelation. He wrote his gospel while living his Sage-years in Ephesus. Historians believe John was almost 100 years old at his death!

John was also a cousin to Jesus and a member of His inner circle. At the Last Supper, John refers to himself as the “disciple whom Jesus loved” (John 21:20). In the last moments of Jesus’ life, His confidence in John was revealed by entrusting Mary to his care. John, along with Peter, were the first Apostles to explore Jesus’ empty tomb. He was a prolific writer and faithful lover of God until the end.

A Sage can relate to the experience of outliving many of their friends, family, and acquaintances. If you are Sage-age, you have been blessed with a longer life than many. This should invoke an attitude of gratitude. It should also bring inspiration to use our additional years of life wisely. John is a wonderful example of enduring faith. We naturally slow down as we get older, but we should never completely retire from God’s work. Once a disciple, always a disciple! Our commitment to Jesus is, “until death do us part!”

I dreamed recently that I was leading a worship service in a packed church. As I lifted my hands in worship something amazing happened to me. I have never experienced the presence of God this intensely in my natural life! I was enveloped in God’s love to the point of being totally overwhelmed! I felt enraptured by God, and at the same time, felt enormous love for God in a reciprocating, dynamic nexus! You may think this is just another insignificant dream, but my emotions were so intense, and the exhilaration was so other-worldly, I found it significant! In my dream, I was so overcome by this holy exhilaration, I collapsed to the floor while worshipers around me braced my fall. When I reached the floor, I awoke! As I lay stunned by the intensity of my dream, I ask God, “What on earth just happened to me?” God’s response was, “Be a worshiper until the end, and this is the glory that awaits!” As some point in our future, we may not be able to do anything more than lift a hand in worship. Let’s be like John the Sage and vow to be a worshiper until the end! Oh, the joy that awaits the faithful Sage!


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