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Sages Cruise to Mediterranean

Sages Mediterranean cruise in October of 2025! The 12 day cruise IS pending final EB approval. Marietta is running a special until 4/25/2024 when you pay $250 for your room deposit, you will get credit as if you paid $500.

She is offering the best pricing for the next 40 days for those who do the early deposit.

We listed the itinerary earlier on this page. It is an incredible cruise traveling on the path of many of Paul’s missionary journeys. We have a lot of perks with this trip as well.

We will post more about the trip in coming days. We just wanted to make sure everyone was aware of the special pricing and the offer for an additional $250 off with this deposit special.

Come join us! Marietta’s number is 954-233-6286. (If you are on the fence about going, if you pay your deposit now, you will get the special discount and the best pricing. As long as you cancel prior to final payment, you can get the money you paid refunded if you are unable to go. )

March 12

UPCI Sages Summit 2025