Ron & Patty Brown

Ph: (731) 298-6349

Bro. Ron and Sis Patty Brown cover the Sages Southeast Region, which includes the following districts: Tennessee, Alabama, Florida, Georgia, Mississippi, North and South Carolina, and Virginia.

In 1970, the Brown’s were married after meeting and graduating from Apostolic Bible School in St Paul, Minnesota. After graduation, they assisted briefly in Woodstock, Ontario and then pastored in Hamilton, Ontario and Knoxville, Iowa. While in Iowa, Bro. Brown served several years as the District Youth President. In 1985, they accepted the pastorate of Lighthouse UPC in Jackson, Tennessee and while there also served as a Presbyter on the District Board for 15 years. In 2005 he was elected as District Superintendent and fulfilled that position until he retired in 2021.

The Brown’s love the work of the Lord and appreciate the Sage’s ministry and are happy to be a part of it! They currently reside in Bon Aqua, Tennessee near Nashville.


Rick & Suzi Toadvine