Back to School

The following blog is by Mark Morris. #grandparents

When most of us were attending school, we would get a list of school supplies from a mimeograph machine.

I remember my mom taking me to the office supply store in our small town. There were no Walmarts in those days. In my mind, I still have the image of my mother trying to find all the supplies on the list.

She struggled to find enough of the supplies that she could afford crayons, tablets, and No. 2 pencils, and we can’t forget the jar of paste or the small bottle of Elmer’s glue. I never was able to take a large box of 64 crayons with a built-in sharpener to school. I always wanted one of those erasers that were half ink, white, and half pencil red, but I never seemed to be able to get one.

Too many grandparents raising their grandchildren today are financially burned, and school supplies or something they don’t have built into their budget.

In our local school district the elementary supply list runs around $150 and the high school list is around $300 per student.

My sources tell me that up to 15% of children come to school with no supplies or only partial supplies. The local school district depends heavily up on churches and private organizations to help fill this need.

What a blessing it would be to a grandparent raising their grandchildren if you could help in this area.

Tell the grandparents that you want to help. It would be a great relief and an answer to prayer for them. Many grandparents are praying for the Lord to help them. Be the answer to their prayer.

Hal Lindsay said, “Man can live about 40 days without food, about 3 days without water, about 8 minutes without air, but only 1 second without hope.”

Help the grandparents who are feeling hope fading away. Give them the fresh hope that comes from answered prayer. 


With Tender Loving Care…


A Word from the Preacher for the Preacher