With Tender Loving Care…

The following blog is by Mark Morris. #grandparents

As I sit here writing this today, I am at an orthopedic surgery hospital, waiting for my grandson who is having his knee repaired from a football injury.

He was playing football with some friends when he turned wrong and tore ligaments and broke a few bones. Today he is having it repaired.

It’s times like this that gives me cause to reflect over the last 15 years of raising our grandchildren.

Throughout the years, I can’t remember how many hours I have spent in doctors offices, emergency rooms, and allergy clinics.

But the constant of all of this, is that the children need someone to care for them.

Someone to soothe the hurts, wipe the tears and pick them up when they fall. I don’t know how many boxes of Popsicles and bottles of Sprite and packages of crackers that we have consumed over the last 15 years.

Every child needs someone to love them unconditionally and to know they will always be there for them.

When God placed our grandchildren in our home, we were given this responsibility.

It’s one that we have, and I know that you as grandparents raising your grandchildren do take very seriously.

I am thankful that the Lord has allowed me to be the one that gets to love them through all of life’s up’s and down’s. Sitting here I realize how blessed I am and hopefully they feel the same.

Well, the doctor just came out to tell us the surgery was a success, and it was not as badly damaged as we had thought. They expect him to make a full recovery, but in the meantime , we will nurse him back to health and always try our best to be there for him. God bless.


I Still Need You


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