God’s Word Gives Life!

This blog is written by Norma Clanton

Today my mind wandered back to the weeks and months immediately following the passing of my husband. Just like some of you, my day-to-day existence at that traumatic time was on autopilot, with the real “me” Missing In Action.

I remember trying to pray when my vocabulary seemed barren of any appropriate communication with the Almighty!   Emptied, drained,  stunned, void of feeling, numb, wrung out, I simply had no words.   It seemed I had already prayed everything I could pray before the loss – now there was nothing left to say!    

I wasn't mad. Nor did I doubt God’s love or power. I still believed.  Still attended church.  Still raised my hands in worship.  Still knelt before the throne.  Yet any words beyond, “Please help me God,” seemed elusive. 

To my surprise, during those early days of grief, my greatest source of comfort was not prayer TO God - it was the Word OF God.  

When even an anemic "hallelujah," seemed counterfeit, God spoke gently, "It's ok. I'm still here.  Still the same. When you cannot speak, I will.

Just read My words.”

Like an ice-cold drink on a hot mid-August day, the words in His Word refreshed my parched soul. The same chapters and verses I had read all my life became personal notes of encouragement with my name, address and zip code written boldly on the envelope, stamped “Special Delivery.” 

Without fail the Word always generated renewal and new life,  even when mine seemed so over.   Hope and determination moved to the forefront as the Word spoke reassuring words of peace - piercing through the pain, tenderly restoring my very soul.

Psalm 46:1 became my battle cry, “God is (y)our refuge and strength, a very present help in trouble.”

James Kilgore nailed it when he so beautifully delivered an unforgettable sermon at an Oklahoma Camp Meeting many years ago, "The Bible - love it, live it, cherish it." I still do!  "Thy word is a lamp unto my feet and a light unto my path."


It’s That Time of Year Again


I’m Not Done Yet