Grandparenting with Honesty

The following blog is by Mark Morris. #grandparents

In our last article, we started a new group of pointers that will help us as we endeavor to be successful grandparents raising our grandchildren.

The last one we discussed was the need to establish a routine and how that makes life easier and less tumultuous for everyone involved.

Today let’s look at another area that should be a given for grandparents with the Holy Ghost.

Pointer #2 — Let’s be honest.

Honesty lies at the core of Christianity. The Lord desires honesty in every area of our lives. I believe that it is easier to be honest with our grandchildren than to try to explain the situation later on.

We can be honest and leave out many of the gory details that their minds and emotions may not be able to assimilate at this time. You can always fill in the gaps as they mature.

No doubt you will encounter a few uncomfortable conversations or questions regarding their current situation. Some tough questions may be why they no longer live with their parents or when will they get to go home.

When it comes to these questions, try not to shy away from being honest.

I believe that children appreciate honesty and they can adapt, faster, and better when they know the truth about their situation.

Be honest about the current situation and always let them know how deeply you love them and reassure them that you are there to care for them. Let them know they are a high priority to you.

Some of these may be tough conversations, but they will allow you to build your relationship on sturdy ground and they will know they can trust you.

Until next week God bless.


The Paradox of Grandma Beulah


Practical Grandparenting