Practical Grandparenting

The following blog is by Mark Morris. #grandparents

Over the last several weeks, we have looked at many different topics that would help grandparents who are raising grand children.

Grandparents raising grandchildren go way beyond the legal aspects and the stress of it all. When we are first given this opportunity, it may seem a little bit overwhelming. But when the dust settles and the reality sets in there are a few things we should consider.

This week I would like to start to look at a few things that will take us to the practical side of grandparents raising grandchildren. So here’s a few pointers that I believe will make this experience a little less stressful.

1- Establish a routine.

No one said that the transition from grandparents to grandparents raising grandchildren would be easy.

Remember that time is your friend. To get to where it becomes a little less stressful, it takes time, patience and a lot of trial and error.

One of the best ways to get this experience to become less stressful is to establish a routine for everyone to follow.

 Be sure and talk to the children about your expectations of them. What is their expected bedtimes? How much time are they allowed to be on their devices or watching movies etc.? What chores do you expect them to help with around the house?

In a perfect world, you wouldn’t have to be the one to set the ground rules but as the primary caregiver, you are now responsible to set these boundaries. They have to understand they must follow the ground rules that you set.

It’s always best to be upfront with your expectations. It allows for a routine which makes everyone’s life a lot easier.

Until next week God bless


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