Foundational Truths for our Grandchildren

The following blog is by Mark Morris. #grandparents

What a privilege it is to be able to be chosen of God to place foundational truth in the hearts of innocent children, that for various reasons have been placed in our care.

As Christian grandparents, we have an obligation to not only be living examples to our grandchildren, but to also teach them the ways of God so they may be able to live happy prosperous lives. We have this privilege, and it should not be taken lightly. We want them to be able to have eternal life.

The world is more than willing to share its lifestyles, and what they perceive to be right for our children, so therefore we must teach them the ways that God would have for them walk to make their lives more fulfilling. Let’s take a look at some of these.

1- God is the source of morality

Our grandchildren must develop the firm conviction that God determines what is right and wrong.

Their lives are being flooded with social media and worldly entertainment that has dropped the boundaries of moral right and wrong. In a world that has lost its moral compass, we have the privilege of the responsibility to teach them and show them by our example what is morally acceptable in the eyes of God

2-  The Gospel

As precious as our grandchildren are, every one of them has a need for a savior.

Everyone of them needs the free gift of God’s saving grace. Let’s start at a very early age and put the plan of salvation in their minds, and in their memories.

Let’s not just trust the Sunday school teachers and the pastors to do this for us, but let’s take the time to teach them the gospel.

We take the time to teach them to ride a bicycle, drive a car, mow the yard and catch a fish or shoot a deer. How much more should we be diligent in our teaching the gospel to them.

3- Obedience to authority

One of the greatest plagues in our society is a lack of respect for authority.

We should teach them and encourage them to live in a manner worthy of the gospel.

We should teach them respect in our homes, in our schools in our churches, and they should never ever hear us decry the fault of our pastors, or Sunday school teachers, or any leader in the church.

4- The core values of Christianity

The pattern of scripture is for children of all ages to be taught the truth of the Bible, so they could be firmly rooted in Christ and established in their faith.

Just simply saying because I said so will not work in today’s society, it may have worked in our generation, but we need to be able to give them a Godly answer with some scriptural principle to help them continue to make the right decisions.

What a job we have before us. Let’s be the good examples they need so they too can be successful on this earth, and live forever with Jesus


Practical Grandparenting


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