Speak Life

The following blog is by Mark Morris. #grandparents

One of the most important things that we do for our grandchildren, that we are raising, is to speak life into them. To speak life into the situation is to speak things that will cause them to rise above their circumstances that they were placed in that was beyond their control. To speak life is to be happy, productive citizens, and most of all good saints in the kingdom of God.

I would like to share with you some of the things that we have spoken into their lives, and I believe they can bless you and your grandchildren as they have ours.

1- Never use your circumstances as an excuse to not fulfill your God-given destiny. Many times it is easy to put a blame on something or someone.

I have reminded them many times that the steps of a good man are ordered of God, and as long as we live for Him, He will only lead us into the paths of righteousness and blessing.

2-  The best testimony is to live a good life.

Many times people may not expect as much from someone who has been placed in these type of circumstances. If you live successfully, it will be the best testimony that you can give.

Today our granddaughter is an artist, making her living doing commission artwork.

Our grandson is enrolled in college, studying business and dreaming of being a successful business leader and entrepreneur. They are using their circumstances as a challenge to do good instead of playing the victim.

Remember, God has special plans and a special destiny for your grandchildren so therefore, let’s remember to always speak life.

God bless


Foundational Truths for our Grandchildren


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