A.C.E. - What is it?

The following blog is by Mark Morris. #grandparents

In a recent article in “Psychology Today” the writer shared some very interesting statistics concerning grand children being raised by their grandparents. They use the term that I have never used before Adverse Childhood Events. For the sake of discussion, they called the circumstances ACE’s.

The researchers found some interesting and even dramatic differences in the percentage of ACE’s that children had suffered in each of groups. For example, the researchers found that 13% of the children now being raised by their grandparents had experienced the death of a parent or guardian compared to only 3% of the children being raised by parents.

In addition nearly 36% of the children raised by their grandparents previously had experienced a parent or guardian serving time in jail compared to about 5% of the parent headed household. The researchers also found that nearly 30% of the children had lived with someone with a drug or alcohol problem in the past compared to 7% of the parent household. Some of the children had experienced violence, which is another ACE, 11% of the children are now being raised by their grandparents have been victimized by violence or witnessed violence in the past, compared to 4% of the parent headed household.

It is often realize that children being raised in their grandparents home often display developmental, physical, behavioral, academic and emotional problems. Some of these problems include depression, anxiety, hyperactivity or inattention. Many experience health problems, as well as learning disabilities, poor school performance, and even aggression especially in boys.

We as grandparents must be diligent in watching for signs of problems that our grandchildren are having. Listen to their teachers and don’t feel bad about seeking help for them. Remember they have been through so much and their minds don’t process the ACE the way that we would.

We knew our grandchildren had been through some horrific events, and we determined that we would put so much goodness in their life that it would override the bad. Through God’s grace they have done remarkably well, and I know your’s will too. We look into this a little more in the next few weeks. God bless.


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