Sages Cheerleading 101

The following blog is by veteran pastor’s wife Norma Clanton

General Conference 2023! Thursday night. Left side risers.  Eight rows up. Fifth seat over. Three gigantic screens.  Worship leaders leading. Anointing flowing. Crowd energetic. Heaven came down. 

I loved the service.  Loved the worship.  Loved being with dear friends.  But, in the middle of it all, a gentle voice shouted in my head.  “CHEER!”

“What????  In this incredibly wonderful service, why I am hearing the word, CHEER?”  Ok.  Maybe I’m delusional.  Maybe it was the water.   Or the tacos.  Or both. 

Let me tell you about the back story:  As a Sage-age Surviving Spouse of a UPCI minister, conferences, camp meetings and district functions can be overwhelming, sometimes depressing and usually lonely, even in a crowd of 12,000.  

So very blessed to be able to attend the General Conference, I must confess a part of me dreaded the impending flashbacks of busier, better days filled with board meetings, banquets, gift baskets and business. 

I came determined to “be present in the moment” and soak up every ounce of fellowship and inspiration the week would afford.   Now, try as I might to evade it, something unsettling bombarded my resolve. 

“So…exactly what are you doing here?  You don’t fill a position, vote, or represent a department in your district.  The church is marching on with new leaders filled with vision and vitality.   Why do you insist on staying connected and involved?”

Again, the word…CHEER!

As worship subsided and preaching began, the word repeated like a scratchy 45.   Bro. David Bernard expounded with excellence on the topic of ZEAL!  The response was invigorating!   The message will be rehearsed in our ranks for generations to come.

 Yet I heard, CHEER.

Ok.  What is going on here?  I couldn’t get the word out of my head, so…I began to consider that perhaps I was missing something. 

Of course, the most logical starting point was to google the definition. (Remember, this is a NJZ – no judgement zone).   Here’s what I found:

Cheer:  Verb.  Shout for joy or in praise, encouragement or approval.  Give support or encouragement to.

Cheer:  Noun.  Cheerfulness, optimism or confidence.

Cheerleader:  Noun.  An enthusiastic and vocal supporter of someone or something. 

I was beginning to see a pattern here.  But wait, there’s more.

Attributes of a cheerleader:

·       Positive attitude

·       Values teamwork

·       Commitment

·       Endurance despite difficulties

·       Ability to learn

Purpose of a cheerleader:

·       To support team

·       To encourage enthusiasm and team spirit in others

Responsibilities of a cheerleader:

·       To create a strong sense of team unity

·       To honor and identify with the team

·       To represent the team, on and off the field

And right where I sat, left side risers, 8th row up, 5th seat over, the call sounded loud and clear.  Not just to myself but to all who find themselves alone and struggling. 

The Kingdom of God is ever expanding.  He is raising up mighty men and women who will carry this gospel to the ends of the earth.  He’s always had a plan.  Always will.   

The “sermon to self” continued:

As more teams are called to do the work (lightbulb moment, here!) more cheerleaders are needed!  

Cheerleaders who have stood the test of time. 

Cheerleaders who have endured difficulty.

Cheerleaders who have been there, done that and don’t even need the t-shirt. 

Cheerleaders who gladly lift high the torch of truth, but value the team enough to train, encourage and empower others! 

Cheerleaders who embrace the next generation of world changers with a deep understanding of the challenges. 

Cheerleaders who have experienced victories during treacherous times.

Cheerleaders who will foster team confidence that is only built on a strong foundation and team unity.

Cheerleaders who will CHEER!

 And there you have it.  Simple?  Sure.  Important?  Absolutely. 

Standing humbled before God in the left side risers, 8th row up, 5th seat over, I thanked Him for the word CHEER

Pom Poms high, let’s hear it!  GO TEAM! 


Note from the Sages Director

What an incredible directive. Why don’t we accept it as from the Lord? Encouragement does make a difference. You can recall right now, some word or act of encouragement that came your way. Why don’t you share that story in the comment section below. And if you have been living in the critic’s corner - get out your Pom poms and let’s elevate the arriving generations to change the world.

I do have a couple of book recommendations regarding encouragement. Amazon does provide a bit of financial benefit if you purchase any item using one of these links.

  1. Chuck Swindoll’s Classic - Hand Me Another Brick. Five stars!

  2. Encouragement, the Unexpected Power of Building Others Up by Larry Crabb 4.5 stars. All of Crabb’s books are beneficial.

  3. Be Hopeful - Warren Wiersbe’s short commentary on 1 Peter. I Peter was written to Christians scattered across the world. They were persecuted and beaten down. Interesting, the preacher of Pentecost’s final messages are words to encourage hurting saints - almost all of them younger than him.


A.C.E. - What is it?


Lemonade Anyone?