Lemonade Anyone?

The following blog is by Mark Morris. #grandparents

Just the other day, I ran into an old friend. We stopped on the sidewalk and visited for several minutes. It was fun reminiscing  of days gone by and catching up on our families.

My friend had known our son really well that had passed away, and her family also had suffered a violent tragedy as we had. We always felt this type of tragedy gave us a common ground, and we understood each other’s pain. We talked about how this event had changed our lives, and how we had to readjust our normal.

She made a statement that resonated with me, and I want to share it with you. The statement that she made was the old saying we have all heard that if life gives you lemons then we make lemonade. But she added a new twist she said, but we get to determine if it is sweet lemonade or sour lemonade.

I remember when our son passed away that I came to a conscious decision. I was not going to allow tragedy to turn me into a bitter, angry old man. I have seen this happen, and I did not want to become one of these people.

How can we make sweet lemonade out of the lemons that circumstances have given us?

First of all, you have to understand that the precious grandchildren you have in your home were made in the image of God, and He loves them with an unconditional love. He also has plans for them, and these circumstances are affecting them also.

Secondly, you must realize that Jesus has allowed you to be the one who gets to see His plans take shape and their lives.

Thirdly, God gives us sufficient grace to see us through.

When times get hard, remember He is the supplier of our needs and He promises us that He would never leave us, nor forsake us.

There is nothing, in my opinion, more refreshing on a hot summer day than a tall glass of sweet lemonade. Maybe even a big slice of lemon pie with meringue on top.

Don’t allow yourself to become bitter or angry. The grandchildren have had enough of negative behavior in their lives. Let them see the joy and the love for the Lord in your life. Celebrate life with them. Let them enjoy the sweetness of the lemonade.

God bless you till next time


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