I’m Stressed, Are You?

This blog is by Mark Morris.

I recently read the results of a survey that was conducted concerning the emotional stress on grandparents raising their grandchildren.

There were 92 custodial grandparents surveyed with the average age being 44 to 84 years of age at the time of the interviews.

They were given a series of questions that were dealing with stress points on grandparents raising grandchildren.

The three factors that lead to stress ultimately caused the grandparents to suffer depression were financial concerns, legal issues, and physical health. However, the overwhelming cause of stress and depression was the lack of social support from significant family members. Grandparents with increased social support from family members have a lower rate of depression.

Everyone it seems is busy and often times other family members have their own issues they are dealing with. Therefore, they have little time to help others out.

What an opportunity we have here to help out a part of the church family by being willing to step in and give someone a break .

Have you ever experienced this type of stress? If so, how did you deal with it? God bless.


A Word from the Preacher for the Preacher


Y’all Take Care!