Y’all Take Care!

This blog is by Mark Morris.

I recently read an article that used the term “skip generational” for grandparents raising their grandchildren. This was a new term I had never heard before.

Among the many issues that are faced by this “skip generational” parenting group is the issue of the health of the grandparents. At this age, health can change quickly.

It’s very important that grandparents, even though they feel overwhelmed, must make an effort to take care of themselves.

Don’t avoid your daily exercise, devotional times, and regular doctors visits, and nutritional eating.

One thing to remember, if you don’t take care of yourselves, it will only hinder your ability to take care of the kiddos God has entrusted to your care.

Take care of yourselves and trust God to give you the strength to get the job done.

Please share with us some of your experiences along these lines.


I’m Stressed, Are You?


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