My Grandma Needs a Tutor

This blog is by Mark Morris.

I recently read only 1 in 12 children are being raised by their grandparents.  According to the 2020 U.S. Census data, 2.4 million grandparents are taking responsibility for their grandchildren’s basic needs.  This data shows many of these children have an educational disadvantage.  This same data showed 57% of single grandparents were poor and 46% of them lacked a high school diploma. 

This report goes on to say as grandparents age, their health and financial condition becomes worse.  They do not have the financial means, nor the energy to enroll their grandchildren in extra activities or pay for extra tutoring.

Many times grandparents are unaware  of services that are offered to assist them.  They often lose entitlements when their grandchildren  move in with them.  We were fortunate in this area as my wife was able to help tutor and assist our grandchildren with their homework.  I remember driving my granddaughter to school with spelling words on a sticky tab and teaching her those words on our way to school in the mornings.  However, we also found many things have changed and technology is so advanced now.  Our older granddaughter is a teacher and was a big help to us in this area.

We had our grandchildren from the ages of seven and four.  They are now 22 and 18.  The older is finished with technical college and is on her own, doing well.  The younger just graduated high school and is enrolled in college for this fall.

Perhaps a good Sages ministry and outreach would be to offer tutoring or support in this area.  Tell me your experience and how you successfully managed this challenge.  


Y’all Take Care!


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