Seven Things Learned from T.F. Tenney

This following blog is from Carlton Coon, Sr.

The afternoon before Tom Fred Tenney departed for glory I began this blog. T.F. Tenney was a unique and influential leader. His impact ranged across organizational boundaries. His “one-liners” are legendary. 

(For the sake of brevity, in referring to Bro. Tenney I’ll occasionally use the initials TFT. No disrespect is intended. In personal notes and communication he would on occasion use my initials. My responses or appeals for his input would often identify him as “TFT.”)

My friend Tim Mahoney has said several times, “If T.F. Tenney had not been called by God to preach he’d have been in the U.S. Senate or he would have become President.”  I’m glad God called him to preach. Bro. Tenney was a:

  • Student who worked at understanding scripture. He studied the nuances of the Bible. During times when the General Board took a 30-minute break, Bro. Tenney generally sat in “his spot” yet again reading the Bible. His love for learning God’s word showed in his preaching.

  • Prolific reader. I would periodically ask T.F. Tenney, “What are you reading now.” He always had several titles to suggest. The books he recommended were not “fluff.” On occasion he passed me a book he had recently read. Those books are treasures.

  • Prince of a preacher. He had something meaningful to say. From the early years with that shock of dark hair flying as he preached, to the more sedate later years the man said something worth hearing.. Our closet has dozens if not hundreds of cassettes and compact discs of his preaching. If anyone wants to send me more via mp3, or as cassettes or compact discs I’ll gladly take them. Bro. Tenney’s preaching prompted thought.  

  • Author of meaningful books from, Pentecost, What’s That, to For Preachers and Other Saints, his books had weight.

  • Voice that mattered in significant situations. Any honorary member of the General Board of the United Pentecostal Church, International has a voice but not a vote. In my eleven years on that board, T.F. Tenney did not often speak. What he said often clarified a matter being discussed. 

  • District Superintendent Extraordinaire. He quickly returned phone calls. He had time for Norma and me, even when we were no longer in Louisiana. As District Superintendent, he might preach a church anniversary for a congregation of twelve people on Sunday morning; and Sunday night preach to 1200. Both churches got his best effort. He never resented going to the small places. I asked Sis. Tenney if her husband ever resented or regretting going to any situation. She said, “No, Tom thinks he can help everybody. So he tries.”   

T.F. Tenney is one of three men I took as a model or mentor. All are now deceased: G. A. Mangun, Crawford Coon, and T. F. Tenney were men I closely watched. My benefits mostly came from observation rather than conversation. 

T.F. Tenney influenced me in the following seven ways.

The influence of the written word. 

Bro. Tenney authored a number of books. More important, for decades, Bro. Tenney served as Superintendent of the Louisiana District of the United Pentecostal Church. Each preacher received a monthly Superintendent's Communique. 

It is impossible to remember everything anyone preaches. It is entirely possible to retain and read again what has been written.

My file of Bro. Tenney’s Communiques is thick. It was material worth saving.  "TFT" didn’t just write. He wrote relevant and beneficial material. It wasn’t that Bro. Tenney had to say something; he had something to say. There is a difference! The Superintendent’s Communique addressed the unique needs of preachers. 

When it was my lot to be a presbyter, I modeled a Sectional Doings after the Superintendent’s Communique. A bit later, our team at North American Missions developed a bi-monthly Director’s Communique. We mailed it to every preacher in our organization. The main goal was to communicate about missions and missionaries. But, to get people to read that part the Communique needed an article directly beneficial to a preacher’s ministry. 

The effort worked. T. F. Tenney gets the credit for teaching me the power of consistently providing beneficial and targeted written material. 

The Subtle Power of the word:  "So." 

Some years back, I needed Bishop Tenney’s advice on a difficult matter. It was complex and close to home. Bro. Tenney listened to my story. When I finished, Bro. Tenney's first words were, "Bro. Carlton, I'm so sorry that you and the others are going through this. I'm just so sorry for your pain. I wish I could make it easier for you, but I can’t."  

Before I left, as he always did, he prayed for me. Again he said, "Bro. Coon, I'm just so sorry." In that context, the word "so" had value. To be “so sorry” was beyond normal regret. In reality, Bro. Tenney could do nothing to fix the situation. He could advise me and he did.  But, he was “so sorry” this mess had happened. 

The words “I’m so sorry” communicated something more than the phrase, “I’m sorry,” From that day forward, in similar situations I use the phrase, “I’m so sorry.” When I’m unable to resolve a matter, whether illness, an unexpected death, a failure not easily repaired or the loss of employment I use Bro. Tenney’s phrase “I’m so sorry." 

It is not often used, but is part of my ministerial vocabulary. Somehow the word "so" in such a setting adds weight to my regret. 

A leader must say, "No" to some opportunities 

In the late 1990s, Bro. Tenney and I were part of a pastoral anniversary in Kenner, Louisiana. After a service Pastor Walker took us to dinner. 

It is a wonderful thing to question people who have accomplished meaningful things. Much better to listen than to talk. Through life, I have done a lot of listening. On that night Bro. Walker and I did a lot of listening.

Sis. Tenney was there as well. I asked how Bro. Tenney accomplished so much. Her response was educational. She said, "Tom knows what he is to do and that is what he does. He is focused and does not take on anything that isn't part of God's agenda for him."  Sis. Tenney continued, "Even when I say, 'Tom, you need to do something about _________.' His response will be, "That's right Thetus, somebody needs to do something about it but it isn't going to be me." 

With that bit of insight I stopped trying to do everything, instead focusing on the “God things” of my life. An effective leader says “No” to many opportunities or needs. If you try to do everything, you excel at nothing. Bro. Tenney advised me one time, “Carlton, you can’t accent every syllable. Some thing has to be your main thing.” 

I’ve not fully applied this lesson but it is certainly correct.  

Facilitating the ministry of others

Around 2000 I began preaching or teaching an occasional camp-meeting. One was in the Rocky Mountain District. One evening the District Superintendent said, "Bro. Coon, I've known about you a long time. When you were about 23 years old a letter came from T.F. Tenney telling me about your ministry. He suggested that you were a good evangelist and that if we could ever use you in our district, it would be a benefit to us.”

The fact of such a letter having been sent was news to me. I'd not asked Bro. Tenney to write such a letter. He never told me about writing the letter. My District Superintendent had attempted to expand my opportunities. 

Bro. Tenney wanted growth, progress and expanded influence for the ministry of others. His goal of facilitating the ministry of others was part of  TFT’s identity. I apply that principle. One of my computer files is named:  People Getting the Job Done Who Not Enough People Know.  

Developing preachers need more opportunities than we currently provide. My goal, learned from Bro. Tenney is to champion the up and coming preacher and expand their opportunities. 

Don't waste words 

T. F. Tenney did not have many casual conversations. “TFT” did not waste words. He’d not use 15 words if six did the job. It was one reason his preaching and teaching was so effective. He did not chase rabbits. Words are the currency of communication. Bro. Tenney used that currency wisely.

Seldom did he make a misstatement. If he used particular words it was by intent. You’d better be listening, the words he used and the words he did not use both meant something. 

Observing this in Bro. Tenney changed my preaching and writing. In communication the difference between a good word and the perfect word is the difference between a firecracker and dynamite. 

If "not wasting words" worked for “TFT” I'd see if it would work for me. It has. 

Empower Rather Than Control. 

Bro. Tenney became Louisiana's Superintendent in 1978. He followed C.G. Weeks, a strong leader in his own right. Louisiana’s leadership consisted of strong, capable people. These were people who were aging but not particularly moving aside from their various leadership roles. The majority were older than their new District Superintendent. It was “TFT’s” role to transition the district into the future.

After a few years as superintendent, Bro. Tenney developed "All Church Training Series" (A.C.T.S.) events. A.C.T.S. brought training to every section in Louisiana. On a Saturday, a broad array of training was provided. Youth workers, Sunday School teachers and ministers all had access to targeted teaching. The caveat:  no trainer was to provide the training in his or her section. 

Now the genius part. To provide the training that targetted preachers, Bro. Tenney drew together a group of young men in their late 20s and early 30s. The group included men like Rick Marcelli, Donald Bryant, Ronnie Melancon and Ronnie LaCombe. Every person in the group was much younger than the still relatively new District Superintendent. 

Bro. Tenney sent those young men to various training events. From the events, the young men brought back material on leadership, stewardship and ministry. These same young men then shared their newly gained information at the Sectional "A.C.T.S." events. 

Bro. Tenney had empowered the arriving generation. He prepared them to be heard and gave  them a forum at which to be heard. He did not control their message. At the same time he raised the profile of people who had the potential to be future leaders. 

The majority of those involved in this endeavor became influential in Louisiana or beyond. Bro. Tenney did not dominate. He chose to influence and facilitate. 

No leader can do both. You cannot control and at the same time facilitate. You have to do one or the other. You either dominate or you facilitate. 

From T.F. Tenney I learned the value of facilitating up and coming leaders. From him I learned some specific steps toward being a facilitating leader.

Get Out From Behind the Desk

As a young bi-vocational pastor I found myself struggling. My secular employment was enjoyably challenging. I was good at it. At the same time it seemed our church was stuck. 

Quite confused I called Bro. Tenney and asked for an appointment. With both our schedules it was several weeks before we could meet. He surprised me. We didn’t stay in the executive office. 

Instead, he moved me into a reading and prayer room beside his office. Bro. Tenney sat in the rocking chair he used for prayer. I sat nearby. In my frustration I dumped it all on Bro. Tenney, "This gospel thing works for other people, but it isn't working for me. I'm a failure at this. I don't think God even called me to preach."  

Bro. Tenney rocked, watched me, and listened. When I finished he quietly began, "Bro. Carlton, I know God called you. I've watched your ministry unfold. You have made an impact and will make more of an impact. Preachers go through seasons. The discouraging time is a difficult season for you. But every season ends. This season will end and a better season will come. Don't you dare quit on what God has started in your life." He then prayed for me and sent me on my way.

I left unconvinced but willing to struggle on, at least for a while. For several months, about every second or third week my secretary at the place of employment would ring my office, "Bro. Tenney is on the phone for you." I'd pick up and that unique voice would say, "Bro. Carlton, I had you on my mind today. I prayed for you. How are you doing? Is there anything I can help with?" The call lasted no more than 3 or 4 minutes (remember he didn't waste words). 

Finally, Bro. Tenney called one day. As the conversation ended I said, "Bro. Tenney, I know your life is full. Thank you for caring about me. Thank you for praying for me. Thank you for calling. I'm going to make it. My crisis is over. You don't have to call me quite so often.” 

The thing that changed my behavior was TFT intentionally leaving the executive desk to sit close to me as we talked. I immediately began leaving my desk to converse with people. In time, I would read that a truly effective communicator removes barriers to communication. This includes moving from behind the desk. In crisis times people don't need a "desk" leader, they need a "rocking chair" leader. Actually, at all seasons of communication the rocking chair is more effective than the executive desk. 

It is a sad time. Of late I’ve found myself wishing for the opportunity to phone Jesse Williams, C.M. Becton, James Kilgore, Jack Yonts, G.A. Mangun, Kenneth Haney, N.A. Urshan, Crawford Coon, Murrel Ewing,  Billy Cole, Nona Freeman, or Tom Barnes. I didn’t call any of them often, but even before more than a handful of people knew my name these influencers had received my calls and helped me along the way.  

The lessons and memories remain. Thank you “TFT” for taking an interest and believing in me. He did this for so many of us. He often believed in us when we didn’t believe in ourselves. 

The night before Bro. Tenney died I sat at my temporary desk and listed the seven things I gained from the elder. It was stunning the next afternoon to hear of his promotion. 

Readers will have had other experiences. Things that happened, practices and behavior you observed in T.F. Tenney that shaped your life or ministry. Please share your perspective in the comment section 

  • What was it like to be on the Youth Committee when Bro. Tenney was the President of the Conquerors Division?  

  • What were the experiences of missionaries who were on the field when he led Foreign Missions? 

  • He pastored some of you in Monroe or Deridder – what of those memories? 

  • Louisiana folks you got a lot of time with T. F. Tenney what did you gain? 

  • Fellow General Board members your experiences were unique as well. Share these. 

It will enrich me and many others if you will share your stories and what you gained.  


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