Have You Prepared Your Grandchildren?

The following blog is by Mark Morris.

I recently read an article that listed the eight difficulties that we as grandparents face while raising our grand children. But before I look at these eight difficulties, I wanted to look at one of the greatest difficulties that the grand children face that are being raised by grandparents.

My wife and I have been raising our grandchildren for the last 15 years after a tragedy left them without parents.

Now that they are both legal age I ask them both what was the greatest difficulties they faced in this situation.

Both agreed that not having parents as they entered into adulthood was their greatest fear, and the reality of it was real and something they dreaded facing.

We have tried to do as much planning , such as financial planning , wills and trust, and even pre-planning our funerals in the order to relieve them of this burden.

As grandparents raising your grandchildren, how are you preparing your grandchildren for this difficult time in their life?

Please share with us so we can all learn and benefit.


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