The Box

The following blog is by Norma Clanton.

“Just complete the patient information sheet and return to me,” she said, flashing her best receptionist’s smile as she handed me the clipboard and pen.

I was certainly no stranger to “form filling.” The months prior to my beloved husband’s death required completing dozens of detailed documents. This one should be simple.

Name, address, phone, emergency contact…the next line hit me like a ton of bricks! For the first time, I had to check THE BOX!

Single Married Divorced Widow(er)

Emotions suppressed and tucked away began to once again surface. Overwhelmed by profound grief, a bit of anger and a lot of frustration, tears gushed uncontrollably - right in front of God and everyone!

The enemy’s taunts were cruel, “Your identity died when your spouse died.” “THE BOX is who you are.” “Just give up – nothing matters anyway!” “You have no purpose.”

Many of you “sage-agers” may have experienced similar encounters following the death of your husband or wife. Alone is exhausting. Grief is arduous. Reactions are unpredictable and humiliating!

It’s easy to allow a label to define, consume and stifle us, rendering us down, depressed and defeated. The stark reality of loss, unanswered questions, lonely days and sleepless nights forever changed us. But let us never fall prey to the enemy! We’ve been around long enough to recognize his deceit. We’ve also seen God bring us through fierce battles and stormy skies. He always has a plan!

The good news is we are not alone. Our tasks are not yet finished. He is still writing our story! And through our brokenness comes an amazing gift - an elevated sense of awareness and compassion that breeds new possibilities for service in the Kingdom. We value more than ever the importance of connection. Friendship and fellowship become more precious! We authentically testify of His provision through the hardest of times. We reflect His love through it all.

Ministry happens when we apply what we have gained to help others. There is still a place and purpose for us in the family of God! Get out of the box! Inspire, teach, nurture, pray, build, give, go, encourage, BE THERE!

Opportunities await! The team needs you!

Please share how you continue to serve the Kingdom in this stage of life!


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