The Mighty Influence of a Prayer Warrior
This blog is written by Ellen Chance. Ellen Chance is the wife of the late Glenn Chance of Monroe, LA. They pastored Christian Life Church in Monroe, LA.
So, you’re ONLY A PRAYER WARRIOR! You are not a minister, a pastor, an evangelist, a missionary, or a bishop. You may not have a position on the deacon board or be the youth pastor. You have no official title in the church, no authority in your church, your district, or on a national level. You’re JUST A PRAYER WARRIOR.
Ellen Chance, Author
Yet, you may be a powerful force for God and His kingdom. You have direct access to the ONE who holds all power in heaven and on earth! Through your PRAYERS and your FAITH, you can move the hand that moves the world!
When you enter the lion’s den, the lions will not eat you. When the giant stands before you to destroy you, you will destroy him in the name of Jesus. When you are locked in the den of lions, God will shut their mouths, and the king himself will come to set you free! When you are thrown into the fiery furnace, God will walk in there with you, and the fire will not burn you! You won’t even have the smell of smoke on you!
Such is the power of praying in faith, believing the WORD. If you’re in a spiritual battle and need more time, GOD WILL MAKE THE SUN STAND STILL FOR YOU! Prayer is the greatest power on earth, and we all have access to it.
Prayer Warrior, your power and worth may be unknown to those around you—but YOU ARE KNOWN! You are known in the spirit world! God knows you when you speak to Him, and Satan surely recognizes you! He knew when God spoke about Job: “Have you considered my servant...?” Satan understands THE POWER OF PRAYER and will try every way he can to prevent you from praying.
Heaven and the angels know you and are working for you. An angel wrestled for 21 days with satanic forces that were obstructing the answers to Daniel’s prayer. But the angel prevailed—Daniel’s answer came! Praying in faith is rewarding.
If there is anything this world needs more of, IT IS PRAYER WARRIORS. Prayer can transform sinners into saints, bring back wayward children, and lead unsaved husbands or wives to God. It can change the lost into the saved. Prayer can build up and tear down sin. It can transform lifestyles, situations, families, churches, cities, nations, and the entire world!
You—who may seem small and insignificant, with no personal authority or power of your own—YOU CAN MOVE THE HAND THAT MOVES THE WORLD!
NO HOLDS BARRED! No limits, when you trust and believe in a loving, all-powerful, limitless God who cares!
Hebrews 11:33-34: “Who through faith subdued kingdoms, wrought righteousness, OBTAINED PROMISES, stopped the mouths of lions, quenched the violence of fire, escaped the edge of the sword, out of weakness were made strong, waxed valiant in fight, turned to FLIGHT the armies of the aliens...”
PRAYER WARRIOR, you are MORE POWERFUL than you ever dreamed—when you pray in faith, believing!!!