Michael & Dianna Tuttle
Ph: (314) 775 - 4301
Bro. and Sis. Michael Tuttle are our South Central Regional Directors. They have given years to the work of God in a lot of different capacities, from youth leaders, evangelists, teachers, missionary assistants, full time missionaries, Regional Directors for 76 nations in the Europe Middle East, military ministries co-ordinator for the EME, and Sis. Tuttle has served in the Ladies Ministries in various capacities as well. They currently serve alongside their son, Pastor Matt Tuttle, in Vidor, Texas. They have two children, Pastor Matt Tuttle (wife Michelle) and Anna Trimble (husband Rev. Ryan Trimble), and 8 beautiful grandchildren.
Their region includes the following districts: Arkansas, Louisiana, Oklahoma, Texas, North Texas, South Central Texas, and South Texas. Sis. Tuttle also works with the development of our Sages promotional gear. We are so glad to have them on the Sages Team!