Rick & Suzi Toadvine

Ph: (219) 616-1271 or (219) 916-6758



Rick and Suzi Toadvine are the Regional Directors of the North Central Region. They have been involved in many different ministries of their church. They were youth Sunday School teachers, led their Singles Ministry, and currently lead the OASIS (Older Adults Sharing In Service) group. Suzi led the music department for many years and is still a part of the music ministry of the church. Rick serves on the board of the church and is involved in many different capacities of the church with regard to the facilities. Suzi is also the Promotional Director of Sages as well as  planning the Sages cruises. They currently reside in Chesterton, Indiana and are part of the Portage United Pentecostal Church. They have 4 children (one of which is deceased) and 5 wonderful grandchildren!  They are very excited about the Sages Ministry both local and internationally and they love being a part of this team. The districts they cover are:  Indiana,  Detroit Metro, Michigan, Central Canadian, Illinois, Iowa, Kansas, Kentucky, Minnesota, Missouri, Nebraska, North Dakota, South Dakota, Ontario, and Wisconsin. If you are a part of any of these districts, please let them know about your groups!  They are here to help you in any way!


Ron & Patty Brown


Michael & Dianna Tuttle